Friday, January 1, 2010

Busy Busy Fall

We have had a very busy fall this year in 7th age science! After establishing that all of us are scientists (all you need to do is ask questions about the world around you!), we practiced making observations and creating testable hypothesises...Our conclusion? We have some very talented scientists in 7th age!! When learning about displaying results, our 7th age scientists became quite skilled at identifying and reading graphs!
We then spent time learning about what it means to be "living" and what is necessary for all living things to survive. While in the middle school's garden, we realized that living things are EVERYWHERE! Some of our girls held wiggly worms for the first time!
We then moved onto learning about the five groups of living things:
Reptiles, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, and Fish.
We will finish our bird unit after winter break, meet some exciting visitors and then we start our matter unit, learning about solid, liquid and gas. Be sure to check back to see some exciting new photos of our seventh age scientists in action!!

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