Sunday, January 3, 2010

Birds of a Feather...

Seventh Age students have learned all about birds this fall!
We have even learned that some birds do not fly...If you are intrigued, feel free to ask any of our 7th agers, "why!?"
We spent time learning about interesting birds from the southern hemisphere...PENGUINS! There are many different types of penguins; (the two largest, the king and emperor, are the size of the average 7th age student!) but we focused primarily on our friends from Antarctica:
the Adelie and Emperor penguins.
We learned more about these penguins through:; a website created by scientists studying the Adelie penguins allowing them to communicate with students around the globe! We even mailed the scientists postcards and made them a flag representing our class and our love for these amazing creatures!
We finished our bird unit by learning about birds that live closer to home...even outside of our classrooms! Using orange juice containers, sunflower butter and bird seed, we created hand-made bird feeders to attract local birds during the winter season. Each class created three feeders and voted on various locations around the school building. We also discussed the manyfactors that may impact birds' feeding habits...
what a great way to learn about our feathered-neighbors!

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