Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Today we learned about the four different types of taste: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. We investigated which part of the tongue picked up each taste. Sweet was in the front, salty and sour were on the sides, and bitter was on the back of the tongue. The class favorite was sweet by a landslide. Check out some of these pictures where 7-B students tasted something bitter for the first time!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Irvine Nature Center

 I had the pleasure of accompanying the Seventh Agers to the Irvine Nature Center this week. We learned how to explore nature through our 5 senses. We also observed the fall seasonal changes!

This group of Scientists found a deer track in the mud!

 This is a place for shelter that a Native American tribe is in the process of building.

We enjoyed bird watching

and the playground...

We learned how to identify an oak tree! The side of the leaf spells O-A-K.

 This is a salamander! We know it's an amphibian because of its slippery skin.

This tree is 86 years old, we counted the rings to prove it!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


We continue to learn about the 5 senses in order to get ready for the Seventh Age field trip to the Irvine Nature Center. The students studied touch and feel, while investigating hot, cold, and medium temperature water. First they put their fingers in one hot bowl and one cold bowl of water, and then both fingers in the medium temperature water. The hot finger turned cold and the cold finger turned hot!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


We are exploring our five senses in science this month. Today we learned about sight. The Seventh Age Scientists played two games: in the first game they were blindfolded while trying to hit a "bullseye" with tape. In the second game they found out that two eyes are better than one!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Freddy the Fish

We ended our vertebrate unit by discussing our last vertebrate, the fish. The Seventh Agers did an excellent job acting out the effects of pollution.