Friday, March 25, 2011

Space Talk!

Today we had a very special visitor come talk to the Seventh Age students about space! We learned about The Great Red Spot on Jupiter, The Black Hole, and what stars really look like. One student even knew there were 63 moons on Jupiter!

Our visitor was in attendance on March 17th when we placed the Messenger Spacecraft in orbit around the planet Mercury, which was the first time it was orbited!

Thank you for the visit and the fabulous questions!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Largest Planet!

Did you know that one thousand Earth's could fit in Jupiter's red spot?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Last Rocky Planet

Mars is my favorite planet! It is the closest planet to Earth, it is also a very rocky, windy, and dusty planet.

Today we read, You Are the First Kid on Mars by Patrick O'Brien. It explained what would happen and what you would do, if you were the first kid on Mars.

We were also able to watch a short clip about the red planet.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our Nearest Star

7-B Learned about the Sun today. We had a "guest" speaker read, There's No Place Like Space! to the entire class. We even had a chance to watch a short video that explained the order of the planets from the sun.

My (Mercury) Very (Venus) Educated (Earth) Mother (Mars) Just (Jupiter) Served (Saturn) Us (Uranus) Nachos (Neptune)

Fun Fact: Did you know that a spaceship takes three days to reach the moon and it would take more than three years to reach the sun?