Sunday, April 25, 2010

In honor of Earth Day we read Dr. Seuss's "The Lorax" and discussed what how the story applied to each of us. We finished by describing what we would do to bring the Lorax and his friends back. Several of our friends came up with a variety of "reverse factories" which planted seeds or cleaned the air! Thanks to these 7th agers, the Earth is sure to be a better place to live!

Friday, April 16, 2010

7th Age Science Rocks

The Seventh Age science students are rocking and rolling this week as we learned all about rocks! We have focused on the three major groupings of rocks (Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary), their characteristics and how the "rock cycle" works. We all found it quite interesting that marble is formed from limestone, which is created from shells!
We also had several students bring in rocks from home to share with the class.
Below is a web we created as a class to visually attach ideas to each rock catagory.

7th Age Science Gets Excited for Spring

The Seventh Age Science students are getting into the Spring Spirit. We have discussed and diagrammed the lifecycle of butterflies and planted flowers. We are excited to share our flowers with our Pilot Friends who will be planting them on Earth Day!